Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Proud To Share the DNA

Can I just take a moment to be a very proud sister? My siblings, Sarf and Heather, take some awfully gorgeous photos.

Here are a few shots of the unforeseen complications that came after my sister and her husband took in a stray cat:

Click this link to see the rest of the Kittehpile (also featuring my sister's awesome digital scrapbooking skills.)

Let me know when you're done melting into a warm puddle of goo and we'll continue. Okay, then? Okay.

Here are a few shots from my brother's trips to, respectively, the Icelandic volcano that hates England so much, and sunny, wonderful Mexico (which the volcano tolerates):

Click this link to see more Mexico shots. The volcano shots start here and you'll have to navigate thereafter.

Izzat gorgeous or what? They're both so incredibly talented!

Author website: J. J. DeBenedictis

Pageloads since 01/01/2009: