Sunday, February 28, 2010

Olympic Orgasm

So, um, I had ideas for my weekly Meaty Mondays post, but, um, this hockey game kind of got in the way...

Canada's awesome men's team just beat the equally-awesome Team USA to win the gold medal--a fact that not only makes a lot of Canadians ecstatic, but also gives our country the all-time record for most gold medals won at a winter Olympic games. Like, whoa. Go team!

I live in the Olympic city. This is what downtown Vancouver looks like at this moment. The noise beggars description; Vancouver is roaring.

Lots of random happy people:

Robson Street:

They call us tree-huggers for a reason, you know.

I wish I'd gotten a better shot of these guys' awesome maple leaf turbans:

More random happy people:

Two guys riding down the zipline:

The river of red and white:

More random happy people:

With random happy puppets:

The heart of the celebration (the crush of the crowds got scary-intense up here, so we didn't go much farther):

Yay, Team Canada! But also kudos and congratulations to Team USA for their brilliant performance and their silver medal.

I shall not lie: you guys had us pooping out mason blocks.

Author website: J. J. DeBenedictis

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